Length: 0:46:36
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Remembering Ruby

The death of your dog can be incredibly difficult to deal with.
In this episode we talk to author Melisa Wells about her book Remembering Ruby, which aims to help families cope with the loss of their beloved dog. Remembering Ruby was inspired by Melisa's own experiences with her Beagle Bijoux. Melisa and her family worked through their grief, and her book contains suggestions to help other families do the same.
A lovely aspect of the book is that the illustrations are Melisa's family photographs, telling Bijoux's story.
Melisa now shares her home with another Beagle, and she talks about what it's like to move on, and how different her new companion is from Bijoux.
For those who would like to find out more about Melisa, she has two blogs - Remember Ruby and Suburban Scrawl.
Something that can help ease the pain of losing your dog is creating a memorial to him, and talking about him.
Richard Seale tells us about his website where owners can do just that. The site, A Pet Cemetery, allows members to pay tribute to their passed over pet, and to offer comfort to others in the same position.
Richard talks about the various features of the site, and what inspired it.
Update on the imprisoned poodles
Have you heard the story of the Poodle Martyrs in the UK? Jill's Standard Poodles escaped from her garden during their late night toilet break. On the same night there was an attack on a nearby flock of sheep.
Although the Poodles came home clean, and no evidence was found against them, they were taken into custody. Jill and her family were not allowed to visit, or even to know where the dogs were being kept.
Eventually the dogs were allowed home, but Jill and her partner Peter had the threat of a court case against them, which could have resulted in bankrupcy. We find out from Jill what the latest developments are, and she has a stark warning for British dog owners.
In the DogCast Radio News, we hear about rescue dogs with a difference, entertaining dogs, and old dogs. And there's an appeal for help from the dog's old adversary - the mailman!